PIA Provision
The PIA Provision Screen details the actual specifics of how to calculate Social Security PIA, including past and future earnings assumptions, payment start date, and whether amounts returned should be reduced (increased) for early (late) commencement.

Multiple PIA Provisions are needed if the specific set of PIA requirements vary through time, with each provision defining the set of conditions for a given time period.
Screen Items
  • Effective Period: details the period of time for which this PIA Provision applies. The Effective Date is the start of the first period these particular parameters are applicable and the Stop Date is the end date. If the provision continues to apply without an end date, check the None box for the Stop Date.
  • Future Earnings Assumption: area to indicate how future earnings should be projected in the determination of PIA. Choose one of the following assumptions:
    • No future earnings: select to use $0 for future earnings amounts.
    • Level future earnings: select to assume no increase in compensation and that earnings remain at the current level into the future.
    • Fixed percentage: select if earnings are assumed to grow at a fixed percentage per year. Enter the assumed annual increase in the box labeled Annual Growth Percent.
    • Zero earnings after dollowing date: if a Formula Derived Item is selected here, the date returned will act as an end date for the Future Earnings Assumption, and all earnings projections after this date will be zero.
  • Social Security Start Date: indicate the date you wish to assume Social Security payments commence by selecting one of the following:
    • Plan Derived Date: if the start date is defined by a Derived Date, select this option and choose the applicable Derived Date Definition from the drop down box.
    • Fixed Age: if payments start at a fixed age, make this selection and enter the fixed age for commencement in the box provided.
    • Social Security Retirement Date: select if benefits should begin at the applicable Social Security Normal Retirement Date.
    • Formula Derived Item: if the commencement date is defined by a Formula Derived Item, select this option and choose the applicable Formula Derived Item from the drop down box.
  • Law Year: for defining whether PIA is to be determined using the rules and parameters as of a fixed determination year or whether it is to be determined on a variable basis that changes each year as the law is updated. Choose one of the following:
    • Fixed: select if PIA should be calculated using the rules and parameters as of some fixed year. In the box provided, enter the year that the law should be frozen for the purpose of this calculation.
    • Variable: select if PIA should be calculated using rules and parameters that change each year as the law is updated.

      Under Calendar Anniversary, specify the Month and Day of the date upon which a new year begins for purposes of calculating PIA.
  • Past Earnings Assumption: area to indicate how to determine past years' earnings when calculating PIA. Choose one of the following assumptions:
    • No past earnings: select to use $0 for past earnings amounts.
    • Level past earnings: select to assume no increase in compensation and that earnings were at the current level in past years.
    • Fixed percentage: select if earnings are projected backward from the current level at a fixed percentage per year. Enter the assumed annual increase in the box labeled Annual Growth Percent.
    • Use National Average Wage: select if earnings should be projected backward from the current level based on past changes in the National Average Wage.
  • Social Security Earnings Reported Amounts: area to select the earnings amount that should be used in the determination of PIA.

    Use the "+" and "-" buttons to add or delete Reported Amounts from the list, respectively. Once an item is added, double click on it to access the Reported Amount screen where you can choose the specific Reported Amount you wish to use for earnings. Multiple Reported Amounts can be included if PIA is based on the sum of various of elements of compensation, each stored in its own Reported Amount field.
    • Reported Amount Screen: additional screen for selecting a specific Reported Amount to be included as an item of earnings when determining PIA.
      • Reported Amount Name: choose the applicable earnings field from the drop down list.
      • Allocation to Multiple Periods: indicate how the earnings amount should be allocated to multiple periods. Choose either Prorate, Start Date or End Date.
      • Wages Reported to Social Security Administration: check this box if this earnings amount represents the actual wages that are reported to the Social Security Administration for the determination of PIA.
    • History to use: indicate whether you wish to include the Reported Amounts' history in the determination of PIA. Select one of the following:
      • Use full history: to include historical earnings.
      • Use latest full year: to base the PIA calculation only upon the latest full year of earnings and ignore any history.
  • Assumptions and Other Parameters: enter and/or select the following additional parameters relevant to the determination of PIA, as applicable.
    • Assumed Growth in NAW: enter the assumed future increase in National Average Wage.
    • Assumed Growth in CPI: enter the assumed future increase in CPI.
    • No compensation prior to age: earnings prior to the age entered here are excluded from the determination of PIA.
    • Reflect Special Minimum Benefit: check to reflect the Special Minimum Benefit rules.
    • Do not allow PIA Payment Date to precede Calc Date: check if you wish to limit the Social Security Start Date entered above such that it can not be prior to the Calculation Date.
    • Do not allow PIA Payment Date to precede ACD: check if you wish to limit the Social Security Start Date entered above such that it can not be prior to the ACD (payment start date).
    • Reduce PIA for Dates prior to SSRD: check this box if you wish to show PIA amounts with reduction for commencement prior to Social Security Normal Retirement Date. If this is not checked, then the amount displayed will be the unreduced PIA payable as of Social Security Normal Retirement Date.
    • Increase PIA for Dates after SSRD: check this box if you wish to show PIA amounts increased for delayed commencement after Social Security Normal Retirement Date. If this is not checked, then the amount displayed will be PIA payable as of Social Security Normal Retirement Date, without increases even if payment date is after Social Security Normal Retirement Date.
    • Round monthly amount to next lowest dollar: check this box to round down to the next lowest whole dollar.
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